
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blessed in Believing

wee.. since to be quite awhile since my last proper post!
My birthday post has been updated btw:) cheers!
And weeks or better 2 months ago, I got to participate a religion ceremony with darling!! was super excited for it bcoz I got to dress like a Thai and I love Thai!!!!
Since young, my dad will bring the whole family to Bangkok annually for the four-face-Buddha ceremony. But since I entered poly, April/May is always the peak period of projects and exams so I didn't get to join in for the last 3 years:( but this year I was introduced by darling to this special ceremony and coincidentally I got to represent the Thai Group:)
Pardon about my broad top; it's not my size:/ 
This is event, there are people who will mae-up for you, prepare your outfit and hair plus accessories!! It's really unique:) oh and I saw wanzhuang there as a volunteer:) haha really need to thank her for touching up my make-up! Am really bad at adding colours to my face! NUDE FACE FTW<3
 am the youngest in the Thai group as seen! HAHA
the people there are nice and friendly; having to say.

Thick eye make up! I was so not used to it initially. But kinda of like it awhile later. I loss alot of hair after the event due to the wax:( haha!!
Thanks daring's parents for counting me in this special and meaning event!

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