Sorry dear am late today:( Not that I went clubbing or drinking. Ok I did went out just now but it's a simple dinner with Brain Brian at tm swensen. I was suppose to go out with xuan but she's sick. How sad:(( Nearly half of my holiday is gone yet I have not seen her:(( sad. Oh...I mention to Brain Brian abt u, abt us:) ok it's suppose to be a secret i know but sorry let this be an exceptional pls I miss u too much and I must tell someone abt u:((
In swensen, I can remember where I sat with u during one of our 'honeymoon' period and during the lunch with Low and Cheng. Times with u are totally etched in my mind. Of course not forgetting where I sat with my gfs during xuan's prebday celebration;)
Anyway I just watched Jundo. It was an amazing, funny, touching, heartwarming, cute movie. I know u will sure give me the "are you sure/ are u serious/ wtf" face(s) but it's certainly an awesome movie that keeps me company:)
Jundo is sure a beautiful, outstanding, strong and mature gal. Am nth as compared to her. (but tell me, am everything to you! HAHA I Miss forcing u to say sweet things to me esp telling me that am an awesome gf. come on am really rightrightright?!! ok there I go again:/)

Boyfriend?! can u hear or feel it?!! I miss u tons tons tons. I know u always think that u suck*, u neglect me bcoz of ur stupid games and friends that are too many and I always complain to everyone tt u took me for granted etc etc... BUT!!!
I dont see what anyone can see, in anyone else, but you.
I Heart you boyfriend.
*P.s sometimes u really do HAHA
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