I know I shldn't be blogging at this time especially I have 3 tests this week but am pretty happy and satisfied today as we accomplished the 'Just Us' mission. DJ knows am abit upset over it so we went for dinner today:) Had long John Silver as am craving for the potatoes salad but it didn't turn out as nice as the past:| However having said that, I still have a good time with DJ as we did smth silly and funny before leaving that really makes me LOL. Love:) next we processed to Mac Cafe for a chill out!!
P.s am so going to nag at ClarChua who took our Mac stamps which I accumulated with DJ.

Such a pretty cake

Such a cute boy

I insisted of him posing there with his watch haha!! So nice:)
Though it's just a few hours and a simple dinner, it means alot to me. Having dinner together maybe a routine which most people do but to me it's not; probably bcoz it's him.
OH before I forget, Happy birthday Mr low haha just on time before it reach 12:)
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