Had Dinner with Nit @ subway. I didn't drag him there. He insisted on eating subway even when I suggested Japaneses Food beforehand-weird. Anyway, the best part is he agreed to add sweet, crunchy, round Cucumbers in his Tuna sandwich. Nice* Thanks for finishing it despite how much u hate and complain about it. The interesting part is he was surprised that i could finish a Large Size cup of Barley drink. Can i ask it is something surprising? I thought that was a norm. Speaking of that, am craving for Subway Barley Drink NOW. Pleases me with that*
Second destination : Swaroisk. I was looking for Glass Slipper but it was not displaced. We started to argue over the prices and the speciality of each crystal. Whatever*
Next destination: Popular. This is the hilarious incident. He flipped on Primary One revision book and tested me. Oh please Primary one?! But Guess what? some questions we can't solve and have to search for the answer. Try the question below:

1. Blame the Questions for not being specific
2. Challenging but Lame
3. Not paying attention during Primary School ( neither did he in Secondary school right? YES)
Want to know the Answer and nothing to do at home?! Grab this book below.
Strongly Recommended*

P.s: I can't ask primary 3 Questions as well when Nit tested me. yah or nay?!
Then We went _____ (always a Fun place to whale time). Ironically after this baby place, we headed to a place related to Sex. Hey but come to think about it now, it's related though baby after sex.
Last my all-time-favourite slacking place. We argued over celebrities. Dumb*
P.s.Nit and I always have different opinions so don't be surprise by the times we argue!
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