Time is going way too Fast n i'm scare...Very!
I'm hesitating if i should say or keep things to myself.
I cried so hard yst.(Now,i have said)
Why? Sry i don't feel like sharing bcoz it's silly if u come n think abt it in the future. Pardon me,i just can't control anymore as i have been holding back my tears through out the time in school,the bus ride home n mealtime.I'm really extremely down.
Somethings are just not meant to be said.
Anyway,the last time i cried was during the release of my OEM results.(but not that hard)
Ok no one knows that i have cried but now u know.However,i hope that u will forget abt it now.
Recently,I have been pondering on how to
-keep things to myself
-isolated but at the same time not hurting them
It has been so tough to be what u once been
and i'm experiencing it now.
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