Monday, November 30, 2009
There's always a point when excitement and happiness turns into a dull moment. It's like Honeymoon is over:/It's sort of making me paranoid and i Hate such feeling. However,
if I look at the positive side, maybe it's time for us to breathe and have some private space,which am always keen of isn't it?! Exactly.
My Holiday will be real Busy in a few more days. Love it. I will get to know more people, work with them and have my Night activities. The air of freedom is coming my way:)
Excuse me, anyone wants a daughter who rejected a lappy, thousand cheque, Taiwan Trip, Credit-card, love working n hate pocket money? Because My dad has one:)
Don't scold me, I have enough of that. I know, am a Weirdo.
P.S: will I be too much if am hoping/awaiting for surprises?!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Am no longer going to coordinate others' shedule now; not always. It's just too tough and it's getting sick in my stomach. So I have lined up My Activities for Next week.
PaintBalls, Cycling and the next one will be.........................WWW!
So freaking excited!!!
Wanna join? Please register and u may be shortlisted:)
There's always so many Birthday babies when coming to the end of the year. Good thing is-PARTY!
Feel like going to the Sentosa Party today:( but I have to please my dad about my Job first before I can breathe My Freedom.
Sorry about the rejection of dates this week. I hate to do that too:(
PaintBalls, Cycling and the next one will be.........................WWW!
So freaking excited!!!
Wanna join? Please register and u may be shortlisted:)
There's always so many Birthday babies when coming to the end of the year. Good thing is-PARTY!
Feel like going to the Sentosa Party today:( but I have to please my dad about my Job first before I can breathe My Freedom.
Sorry about the rejection of dates this week. I hate to do that too:(
Friday, November 27, 2009
Performing Arts CCA Survey 2009
This survey is conducted to get feedback from pupils to find out how the school's Aesthetics CCA programmes have benefited pupils and for the school to work towards improving its programmes.
Instructions: Simply type out the alphabet in the Cbox and include your CCA. Name is not required.
A-Always B-Often C-Seldom D-Never
Q I enjoy all the following CCA activities
1. Sec 1 Orientation Activities
2. Weekly sectional training
3. Weekly combined training
4. SYF training
5. SYF competition
6. School Performances (Eg: Speech Day. Home Coming Day etc)
7. Community Performances (Eg: Tampines East C C Invitation)
8. National Performances (Eg: Singapore Youth Festival Opening Ceremony)
9. International Performances/Visit (Eg: Hong Kong , China, Malaysia)
Q Instructors-Teachers-Students' Relationship
10. I like to learn new things from my instructor(s)
11. I like my instructor(s)
12. My instructor(s) are approachable
13. My instructor(s) treats everyone equally
14. I respect my instructor(s)
15. My time is well spent in my CCA
16. I feel strongly that I belong to the CCA
17. I want to contribute to the CCA
18. The CCA has opportunities to develop my interest in music/dance
19. There are opportunities for pupils to be involved in improving the CCA
20. My CCA teachers are approachable
21. My CCA teachers are fair
22. I respect my CCA teacher-in-charge
23. I enjoy a good relationship with my teachers
24. My CCA teachers use opportunities to help us improve our character
25. I am willing to contribute to the CCA as an alumni member
Thank You For your responses!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Third Party.
I begin to doubt the real meaning behind it. Most people tend to name Third Party as Slut, Bitch, Home-wretcher and place them in Black-List. However,somehow i think otherwise. Everyone has their rights to pursuit their happiness. Is it wrong to love someone even if he is 'Not-available'/'Booked'? Perhaps that so-called third-party is able to bring a happier life for your partner?! Isn't there a saying 'Blessing is also a form of Happiness' ?!
But ironically saying,who can accept calmly when your partner breaking up with you and start another relationship the very next day? Basically i can't either. For sure i will cry, scream, curse and swear at my ex like other girls. So, No conclusion.
I begin to doubt the real meaning behind it. Most people tend to name Third Party as Slut, Bitch, Home-wretcher and place them in Black-List. However,somehow i think otherwise. Everyone has their rights to pursuit their happiness. Is it wrong to love someone even if he is 'Not-available'/'Booked'? Perhaps that so-called third-party is able to bring a happier life for your partner?! Isn't there a saying 'Blessing is also a form of Happiness' ?!
But ironically saying,who can accept calmly when your partner breaking up with you and start another relationship the very next day? Basically i can't either. For sure i will cry, scream, curse and swear at my ex like other girls. So, No conclusion.
Monday, November 23, 2009

I had a great Day. Relaxing Day:) Am happy lately but am too afraid to announce as Someone might take my happiness away. Whoever it is, Don't. Please. I will learn to cherish whatever i have now so don't take anyone or anything away from me. I love them so much.
Prom Night was Fun but definitely it can be much better. Like Better Food and more people on the Dancefloor. Everyone Looked beyong gorgeous and charming on that night. But sad to say not the whole class attended. Just hope that the rest are doing well. Work n give me a treat ya as am Broke:/
Whose Birthday is it an hr and 7 minutes ago?!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I have to admit this fucking thing that i so wanted to get rid off- My damn small dumb mind is All About Him. It's kind of sux but it's beyond my control. Like what am i suppose to do? Knock on my head, open my brain and Dig Him out?! I wish i could.
I have been telling myself- 'NO! You can't fall for him. HE's not the right one and he will never be. Damn it. There will be a day where you have to part with him. Control Control. Off your phone, delete his number,texts, everything about him have to end up in the Rubbish Bin. Guess what?! I did partially. I hope it works but currently it didn't. So what? am i suppose to hook up with any man in the street and say ' hey date with me till that man are dead in my mind'. Mad.
I thought i could control my feeling. I thought everything will be fine after some time. Unfortunately it didn't. Am missing him like Mad, wanting to stay by his side for as long as i could, calling him n talk till his voice bring me to sleep...I want Him. I know you must be freak out. Am Not That type of gal. I should be strong, independent, enjoy my singlehood life, live without man...ya I'm Still this Type of gal. But.... only if i have not fall so deeply.
I have been telling myself- 'NO! You can't fall for him. HE's not the right one and he will never be. Damn it. There will be a day where you have to part with him. Control Control. Off your phone, delete his number,texts, everything about him have to end up in the Rubbish Bin. Guess what?! I did partially. I hope it works but currently it didn't. So what? am i suppose to hook up with any man in the street and say ' hey date with me till that man are dead in my mind'. Mad.
I thought i could control my feeling. I thought everything will be fine after some time. Unfortunately it didn't. Am missing him like Mad, wanting to stay by his side for as long as i could, calling him n talk till his voice bring me to sleep...I want Him. I know you must be freak out. Am Not That type of gal. I should be strong, independent, enjoy my singlehood life, live without man...ya I'm Still this Type of gal. But.... only if i have not fall so deeply.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Respect me. Thx!
Guess what?! In alittle time more, i will keep my Blog as Private. Reason?! I don't want any dirty fellow peeing at my life so.ya. If you are a close friend of mine, drop me a note i will add in my Life:)
Now my Life is so free and easy. I do what i want and what i like. Shop Eat Date Vcd. But there's a lack of excitement. So, a few wild ideas pop into my mind recently. Should i carry it out?! It's real Wild and the 'victim(s)' are so going to get mad at me. Whatever. I only play with my Good Friends so hopefully they will forgive me in no time ya?! *Secret Guys*
Listener will always remain as Listener. No one can understand how broken Heart feels unlike you experience it. It's not the number of years that a couple stay together. It's the memories that the partners shared. Despite it's just half a year, 2 weeks or even 2 days, it's still the Happy time they been through. No one can give the same feeling like how a previous partner can give. Because no one in this world can ever replace another. It's just incredible. BUT no matter what, NEVER ever wait for your EX. Never. It's a total offend. Once the heart is gone, it's gone.
My way: Get things clear Face to Face. Cry over it. Get rid of it. Move on. It's not easy. That's
Now my Life is so free and easy. I do what i want and what i like. Shop Eat Date Vcd. But there's a lack of excitement. So, a few wild ideas pop into my mind recently. Should i carry it out?! It's real Wild and the 'victim(s)' are so going to get mad at me. Whatever. I only play with my Good Friends so hopefully they will forgive me in no time ya?! *Secret Guys*
Listener will always remain as Listener. No one can understand how broken Heart feels unlike you experience it. It's not the number of years that a couple stay together. It's the memories that the partners shared. Despite it's just half a year, 2 weeks or even 2 days, it's still the Happy time they been through. No one can give the same feeling like how a previous partner can give. Because no one in this world can ever replace another. It's just incredible. BUT no matter what, NEVER ever wait for your EX. Never. It's a total offend. Once the heart is gone, it's gone.
My way: Get things clear Face to Face. Cry over it. Get rid of it. Move on. It's not easy. That's
Friendship or Love?!
Friendship or Love?!
Happy Birthday Daddy n Happy Belated Birthday Mummy. Love Loves Lovess!!!
I think am loving my parents alittle little bit more:)
Ok am spending alittle way too much but am not satisfied yet...I still have to get...
-a Phone
-Prom Dress ( though am still thinking if i should go)
-Lee's spec
-something to do with my hair; but am NOT going to cut it so stop persuading me mum:/
-Ring Ring Ring; still searching for a perfect one (or it never exists?!)
ok i have to stop here because something pop into my mind-TM is a Very Dangerous place to shop! I can see 6 familiar faces while shopping in an hour plus. Actually i have nothing to hide; am just hanging out mum/FRIEND(s)/alone so whatever!
What about getting a new boyfriend?! hmmm....
All right just kidding.Eventually i still opt for Friendship.
As much as i wish to get abit closer, there seems to be a barrier.
I want to feel different so make me feel it ; if not it's time to draw a clear line between us.
Forever don't exist so don't tell me that.
Seriously to whoever it is, if u like me, show it to me if not......That's it and i mean it.
and btw am not a materialistic person in relationship so stop.
Wendy wendy wendy Good Luck for MT!
Quack Quack Quack All the Best for A's.

I think am loving my parents alittle little bit more:)
Ok am spending alittle way too much but am not satisfied yet...I still have to get...
-a Phone
-Prom Dress ( though am still thinking if i should go)
-Lee's spec
-something to do with my hair; but am NOT going to cut it so stop persuading me mum:/
-Ring Ring Ring; still searching for a perfect one (or it never exists?!)
ok i have to stop here because something pop into my mind-TM is a Very Dangerous place to shop! I can see 6 familiar faces while shopping in an hour plus. Actually i have nothing to hide; am just hanging out mum/FRIEND(s)/alone so whatever!
What about getting a new boyfriend?! hmmm....
All right just kidding.Eventually i still opt for Friendship.
As much as i wish to get abit closer, there seems to be a barrier.
I want to feel different so make me feel it ; if not it's time to draw a clear line between us.
Forever don't exist so don't tell me that.
Seriously to whoever it is, if u like me, show it to me if not......That's it and i mean it.
and btw am not a materialistic person in relationship so stop.
Wendy wendy wendy Good Luck for MT!
Quack Quack Quack All the Best for A's.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Finally Finally Finally the O's seems to be Over Today. Although there's MCQ next week but whatever we need a deserved Break.
Unfortunately or unfortunately, 5 years of secondary school life seems to end like that. This Damn Os make me grow and i see the true colours in some people. So many things have happened in the last few months and it make me realise what True friends really are. Who really care about you, be there for you when need arises, comfort you when you broke down, send texts of encouragement and blessing, gifts of love...They will show up in these last few months. Who create unnecessary trouble, make use of you, backstab you, close you down...They will reveal in these last few months. Whoever is it, i have seen through you. So get out of my life completely. I mean it. You done this to me and now you bear with the consequences. Honestly i pity you. You have to wear a mask to lead that damn life of yours with no friend and no happy time. But guess what?! You get that yourself n you deserve it. Am sick and tire of confronting and arguing so let me be ignorant. You lead that Wonderful life of yours while i enjoy mine. So Bye.
As for all my Dearest lovely dumbdumb friends
Unfortunately or unfortunately, 5 years of secondary school life seems to end like that. This Damn Os make me grow and i see the true colours in some people. So many things have happened in the last few months and it make me realise what True friends really are. Who really care about you, be there for you when need arises, comfort you when you broke down, send texts of encouragement and blessing, gifts of love...They will show up in these last few months. Who create unnecessary trouble, make use of you, backstab you, close you down...They will reveal in these last few months. Whoever is it, i have seen through you. So get out of my life completely. I mean it. You done this to me and now you bear with the consequences. Honestly i pity you. You have to wear a mask to lead that damn life of yours with no friend and no happy time. But guess what?! You get that yourself n you deserve it. Am sick and tire of confronting and arguing so let me be ignorant. You lead that Wonderful life of yours while i enjoy mine. So Bye.
As for all my Dearest lovely dumbdumb friends
It's Time To Start Dating!!!
Midnight movies, shopping, chatting..........flood in from today Onwards!
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