Wednesday, December 31, 2008
GoodBye 2008,Hello 2009!
U turn my life upside down
U make me cried,laughed,failed,downcast,sociable(;sort of;),like,love,miss
BT I'm Nt gonna miss u
Let bygone be bygone
Let me end a full-stop in 2008.
A Big Welcome to 2009
I have been waiting for you since long
Though it's goona b a torture for e first 10mths or so
I will still move on
Lighten up my life,2009
it's over!
Sry i dun feel like recalling wat happened
Sry for being such a disgrace yst or shld i said this early morning
I'm just feeling damn sick-slight high fever.All right admit i have been having fever recently bt i kept silent as i dun want to eat those unnecessary,snoopy-do pills.
Darn it! i haven't been sleeping well for a week.I just couldn't sleep.My mind is racing with lots of things every minute n i can't control it! Wat e 'freaking' wrong is with me???? I prefer being tire out n collapse straight so tt i can have a good sleep.Hoping tt will happen in 2009(u may b thinking tt i'm mad yes u r right,i'm extremely mad)
Once again,Happy sweet 16 Birthday Eileen!Finally u catch up with me;)
To Silly gal:) Hey silly silly silly..sry for 'scolding n pushing' u early this morning n sry for nt being there with u when u need someone.I'm nt trying to force you bt seriously u need to learn to forgive n forget.Holding on e past is stopping u frm moving on.Though saying is easier than doing,bt as i said, trying is never enough u 'must' get rid of him frm ur life.Probably u need more time.Once u know tt u r ready to move on,u may have e courage to delete those useless stuffs.No matter wat,gal,u are never alone.Remember u still have us as ur girlfriends:) Love u!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
tt's nt wat i want..stop it pls
Ohya Alvin Yeo,Welcome back to Singapore;)
I miss Jac so much(:bt nt regarding e appointment stuff:) haha so envy of her being able 2 travel 2 England with her bf n family.Von Voyage!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008

Get this when u spent >$100 in swenson

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The 2008 of Christmas Eve
Feel pretty great-had my nails painted PINK;e best mix color.
-Awesome shopping n celebration.
Last bt nt Least
I'm getting MORE heels;e Best thing created 4 women!
sponser by my beloved daddy;love u more than any1.
Guess wat??!! My aim is 2 purchase MY shelf n put all MY gorgeous heels in...
probably i can achieve tt soon ah:)
OHya i'm in love with a sold out apparel.Haiz i shldn't look @ e sold out items in e first place
Indeed curiousity kill e cat! Bt tt doesn't mean i won't do tt again haha;)
Monday, December 22, 2008
$25.90SGD White plss

-R314 3 Colors Collage Style Checker Wool Bag
$20.90SGD Either color is all right.
Sis has u note tt down?!Haha
-Watches frm kor (:sry no image provided bt nvm i get e pick n u get e bill:)
-Wallet frm my beloved parents(:sry no image provided as well bt nvm again as u pick with me n of course u get e bill too:)
Last bt nt least-e easiest bt most important!!!
Spoilt me once n
Make me feel exist/love/care n concern BY:)
All my Love ones,U play a part in my life n so here u go...
N definitely MORE PLS pardon me as it's rather impossible 4 me 2 list all my loves:)
So wat r u waiting 4?! Pass it down n Fulfill my Wishes.You will b blessed:)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
make me exist nt extinct

-Caught Wendy n xuanhui @ tm-shock tt they were in sch U
-saw some1 familiar working @ tm.He gave me a shock look so hw shld i react?-Smile!
-Saw wenyong n some1 familiar(who i 4gt his name suddenly).Had a short chat with him;)
-Sry Brian i can't meet up with u again.Pardon my moodless haha n thx lots 4 ur encouragements:))
Guess who i'm missing nw????
i'm smiling,am i?
-all students frm 4A2 gt promoted:)PARTY!!!
-Amath 100% passes:)Treat frm MR LOW(i shld b given e credit as well as i did help 2 teach esp JUN SONG,e only A1)
-Top 3 students r frm 4A2:Justin,Jolene,bok kiang(;congrats;)
haha actually expected wat as we are always e BEST!!! Ppl this is just e end of easy route.We r just abt 2 start e tough one.Bt nvm bcoz no matter wat happen we gonna stay 2gether as a class!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My old couple

Monday, December 15, 2008
Live my life 2 e fullest:)

-Sunday-Family day: Went shoppping again.Though i didn't purchase anything, i took lots of funny n stupid photos with my family.Smile*