All right sort of moody dun feel like posting much.Anyway,I didn't go 4 blading 2day haha I'm nt 2 only 1 so guess it's fine bah.However,i will definitely attend 2moro's which is e last practice~
Glad 2 know tt they r doing well
Glad tt Dec is coming SOON as it's goona b a VERY busy mth 4 me:)
Sry mum i just dun feel like talking when i'm moody.Ya tt's me,a weirdo!
Dun bother n leave me alone
Get on bed nw though i know i won't sleep~
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008

Sleepless night again...this happens countless times...
Wondering will i regret?
Regret 4 been harsh n callous?regret 4 telling u tt i'm fine n pretend tt nth happened?regret 4 nt holding u tight...
ya mayb someday i will...
Bt i dun care as i dun even dare 2 think abt it...
At times,i just dun know wat i want
ya.I admit somehw gals r unreasonable(no offence)
-They hang ur call bt expect u 2 call back
-They think n imagine alot esp aft watching romantic dramas
-They always expect more frm u
-They tend 2 get jealous when u get close 2 other gals bt they will nv admit
-They may be crying n shouting during a quarrel
-They expect calls n smses frm u daily
However,tt's gals n u guys just adore n love them isn't it?!
Who don't have a little piece of our heart tt's 4ever broken...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Had a haircut just nw haha just abit shorter no much difference.
It's raining nw...
I want 2 go shopping 2moro n take lots of Happy photos.
I miss:
gossiping with nas n nik
mugging exams with jianhui,xiaofang,chunchang
having a short break in e canteen with them
playing games with eug,wanzhuang
rushing 4 Amath lessons
I miss all my Friends!!!
haha gonna c ur soon in ard 1mth more...
I love ViVi:)
I'm happy yst,2day,2moro,e day after n i'll continue 2 b happy 4 e rest of my lfe
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I'm busy with lots of stuff recently n there's pretty more 2 come on Dec..but somehw i just wonder wat i have been doing this holiday..ohya btw Congrats me 4 getting e Edusave Scholarship top 10% again:) All my classmates r like getting abit too tense over this award..some just keep asking n calling 2 ask if they receive e letter..y make a big fuss out of it n btw just a reminder,this award has NTH 2 do with ur N level results it's just sch prelims!
This week is e last 2 practices 4 blading..haha sry i didn't go 4 it last 2 weeks..hmm hope tt i will still keep in contact with kelvin,tina n e rest aft e event.
This week is e last 2 practices 4 blading..haha sry i didn't go 4 it last 2 weeks..hmm hope tt i will still keep in contact with kelvin,tina n e rest aft e event.
Events coming up
- making appointments with wenrong,Jac n shiyun
- preparing Christmas presents
- decorate Christmas tree
- Friends' birthday celebration
- Wild party
Messages to whoever it may concern
- As u can c or feel,we have nt been communicating well recently n so will it b in e future i guess. So y nt we end like tt..we can just pretend in fronts of others tt we aren't as close as wat they r thinking,being just frends~I think both of us r getting sick of each other so just stop all these.Btw,my no. is nt a hot line tt u can call when u r happy n don't bother when u r nt!!! I may seems nth happen bt inside me i'm damn troubled n pissed by wat u have done.U can name me as heartless n i won't even give a damn care 2 it..Get the freaking way out of my life!!!
- STOP telling me 'oh dear i love u n i just can't get u out of my mind' Wat's all these nonsense?! Pls lah i dun even know u well n we r both different world pls..mayb i'm e 1000th gal u have been saying this 2,bt just a Big Simple Warning 2 u:Think b4 u act! Last bt nt least,U r driving me up e wall so freak off!
Friday, November 21, 2008
2day accompanied mum 2 Changi Hospital 2 do a check-up on her, e filial daughter,waited with her 4 abt 4hrs(WTH) n u know wat,e impatient me,control her temper well(bt honestly i did complain) Anyway,mum has 2nd appointment next tue which i have smth on tt day...hmm have 2 rearrange my shedule:/
yst i was mentally damn tired bt couldn't sleep till ard 3am..
so there i was,on my bed wondering a Question
-Y must they create fairy tales when in real life it doesn't exist?
It doesn't seems 2 do any good,i mean when children grow up they will realise tt it doesn't y bother 2 make up a lie when others will expose it eventually?!
Every1 has a secret behind them isn't it...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It's UR day!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Love is e reason behind everything GOD does
should i perm my hair?straighten?ok no straighten it's too boring...i want 2 very lazy 2 dress n travel...i wanna buy necklaces as i have lost 2:(WTH): hmm...let me b wild 4 this 2 mths den i will b a good gal back next year..will i?haha...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm Nuts!
Daddy's birthday-8/11

Mummy's Birthday-5/11

2day went East coast 2 cycle with a bunch of beauties haha bt we spent > 2hrs travelling n waiting..gossiped alot abt guys with leen n Zilah while cycling..conclusion:Guys,pls stay AWAY frm me currently bt dun worry i won't b lesbian
Insane..nonsense..don't read below bcoz i also dun know wat i'm typing...
*I'm chatting crap with brian nw..Hey Brian i'm sincerely sry 4 being belligerent 2 u 2day;)
*Isn't ur Grandma coming 2day?..Nope!!!According 2 mummy,she's coming this Friday:)
Told u nt 2 read aiya watever lah haha Admit:I'm nuts!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I love u mummy:)
Yo! Miss blogging:) Yst was my mum's Bday haha bt instead of spending e whole afternoon with her,i went 2 catch a movie with frends!Aiya bt i'm killing time 2 wait 4 e cake ma;) E celebration was petty joyful-Alvin joined us too.We headed 4 desserts in swenson despite tt we r damn full,bt who can resist e temptation of DESSERTS?!Hmm..Dad's Bday is this coming sat(sad 2 say i'll miss blading lesson) n we haven prepare present...Grandma's coming on 11/11(nice date)n i haven think where shld i bring her 2...Some1's Bday is coming soon as well n i haven decide hw 2 celebrate..Through-Train project has 2 carry out which means there's more work 4 me 2 do..all right more events is coming up bt i'm happy:)
U make me fall in boyfrend is still nt in my list...
U make me fall in boyfrend is still nt in my list...
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