initially nt in good mood ''someone'' is drving me soo crazy tt i keep laughing @ e stupid,silly mistake i made..i lost e precious,one n only yellow pencil(i know it sounds stupid bt if u know me well enough den u will realise hw impt tt pencil is 2 me) Tt ''evil stranger'' took control of me bcoz he knows where is my pencil!!!B surprise 2 know who is he..
Hey ''evil stranger'':this is e first time u ever drive me so crazy lor haha ok u did it..watever..hate u 4 sake of hating..
To e sweet devoted gal:Get hold of him seriously..he's a great guy!Dun regret again my dear..its ur fate 2 meet dun lose e chance 2 c him,talk 2 him,sms him or even date with him!!!True love does exist btw u both.
Human Beings tend nt 2 believe 2 truth.They would rather believe wat they want 2 believe...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dun know wat i'm doing..haiz i'm going 2 collaspe sooner or later-headache.Despite tt i dun have much exams this year bt just stress over OEM.Mr cheng told me tt 75 n above might nt b A1 in O levels..they still have 2 c e overall results of all students..Den hw can i fight against those students in high sch,hw can i do my parents n teacher proud,HW CAN I ACHIEVE A1??????
Last sunday went 2 visit grandma in with her n told her abt my results.haiz can see tt she's disappointed in me-some1 who once 1st had became 5th:(
My aim 4 last year was 2 b the top student in level n b one of e through-train student.Yes,i know i have achieved it bt i did all these was 2 prove 2 my mum tt i can get good results even if i nv transfer 2 well-known sch.I've proved her bt i doesn't seems 2 b happy nw-Regretted for being part of through-train as i want 2 achieve e honour award in front of e whole sch,in front of my parents.(hw am i able 2 fight with e express students 4 honour award next year?!) Regretted for losting so much things last year.Sigh,wat can i do nw?!Everything is over...
Hey GYH,sry 4 all those misunderstanding:)
A1 for OEM this year.Each A1 for my O levels' subject-$100 frm daddy:P
Dun know wat i'm doing..haiz i'm going 2 collaspe sooner or later-headache.Despite tt i dun have much exams this year bt just stress over OEM.Mr cheng told me tt 75 n above might nt b A1 in O levels..they still have 2 c e overall results of all students..Den hw can i fight against those students in high sch,hw can i do my parents n teacher proud,HW CAN I ACHIEVE A1??????
Last sunday went 2 visit grandma in with her n told her abt my results.haiz can see tt she's disappointed in me-some1 who once 1st had became 5th:(
My aim 4 last year was 2 b the top student in level n b one of e through-train student.Yes,i know i have achieved it bt i did all these was 2 prove 2 my mum tt i can get good results even if i nv transfer 2 well-known sch.I've proved her bt i doesn't seems 2 b happy nw-Regretted for being part of through-train as i want 2 achieve e honour award in front of e whole sch,in front of my parents.(hw am i able 2 fight with e express students 4 honour award next year?!) Regretted for losting so much things last year.Sigh,wat can i do nw?!Everything is over...
Hey GYH,sry 4 all those misunderstanding:)
A1 for OEM this year.Each A1 for my O levels' subject-$100 frm daddy:P
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just busy with all e stack of hw recently..haiz despite tt i'm a ThroughTrain student,i still have 2 complete wat u guys r don't have 2 envy me as i'm studying with u guys too!PPP going on with e express so tt means tt we seldom c e express students le-SIAN~anyway i'm joining e PPP soon(gd new or bad depends hw u c it)
TO~:getting sick of you dun know y..haiz..doubt tt we can have any further relationship..sometimes i just think tt it may nt b wat my sis said;mayb it's bcoz we r use 2 chatting n relying on each other which mistaken by loving.@ times i feel tt u treat others better than hw u treat me(nt jealous pls).Nt long after,i will get sick of finding excuses 4 u...Let's c..
Congratulation!haha didn't expect tt u will act so fast..U will b busy with all those preparation soon bt pls take care of urself,dun get sick again.Cheer up..miss all ur craps n lame jokes:)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
To GYH:Hey,i just dun know wat u r thinking n doing...i just want 2 keep my promise by guiding ur frend in poa n wat's wrong with tt..since i promised u den i try 2 do wat i can..''dun need le'' is e only thing u want 2 say.Moreover,y must u need others 2 convery e msg 2 me?y can't u come personally n tell me?am i hard 2 talk 2 or r u trying 2 avoid smth?watever i dun give a damn care nw!since u dun want 2 talk 2 me den i c no point y i must talk 2 u..Hey n pls stop telling others hw much u did 4 me n hw much u love me..u r just trying 2 tell others hw heartless i am nt 2 treasure u..Let's stay in this way if u want..
To some1:sry i just dun understand y u can't just tell it smth shameful tt they can't know?!U make me feel tt i'm nt important 2 u..n u dun respect me @ all..i didn't expect u 2 tell them anyway tt's nt true yet n i dun know wat will happen in e future btw us..@ least admit 2 them tt we r chatting or getting along well..y must u lie?ok watever i dun want 2 talk abt this anymore..mayb u have ur own reasons den..i can't force u anyway..If u happen 2 c this,4get abt it..i just want 2 express my feelings..
Thx Alvin 4 tortuing everything..we know tt u have tried ur best in keeping this relationship..seriously u r a Great guy n e problem doesn't lie on u..seriously thx n we appreciate e things u have done :)
It takes 2 hands 2 clap..Let bygone be point thinking or missing over it..
Things tt u dun treasure,will be treasure by others one dun regret...
To some1:sry i just dun understand y u can't just tell it smth shameful tt they can't know?!U make me feel tt i'm nt important 2 u..n u dun respect me @ all..i didn't expect u 2 tell them anyway tt's nt true yet n i dun know wat will happen in e future btw us..@ least admit 2 them tt we r chatting or getting along well..y must u lie?ok watever i dun want 2 talk abt this anymore..mayb u have ur own reasons den..i can't force u anyway..If u happen 2 c this,4get abt it..i just want 2 express my feelings..
Thx Alvin 4 tortuing everything..we know tt u have tried ur best in keeping this relationship..seriously u r a Great guy n e problem doesn't lie on u..seriously thx n we appreciate e things u have done :)
It takes 2 hands 2 clap..Let bygone be point thinking or missing over it..
Things tt u dun treasure,will be treasure by others one dun regret...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
i hate this...
finally complete OEM prelims:) Serious it's tough pp haiz didn't manage 2 finish pp2..initially thought tt 2.5H was enough 4 me 2 check times n again,little did i realise it was nt even enough 4 me 2 complete!haiz,i was sick e day b4 pp1..mayb bcoz i was playing under e rain on last sat @ eastcoast..haha shld listen 2 garret's advice..SRY!
Secret:I 4got 2 bring in my curve ruler in e hall 4 pp2,hw blur i was(left it in my pencilbox outside e hall!)couldn't muster up e courage 2 get it as i will definitely be scolded by ms chua if she see it~
To some1:hey i dun know wat keeps making u think tt i'm fierce n mad @ u..does 1 word asn means anything?!Den tell me or rather teach me hw i shld asn ur Q...we started 2 misunderstand each other n can some1 tell me where e problem lies on..
Secret:I 4got 2 bring in my curve ruler in e hall 4 pp2,hw blur i was(left it in my pencilbox outside e hall!)couldn't muster up e courage 2 get it as i will definitely be scolded by ms chua if she see it~
To some1:hey i dun know wat keeps making u think tt i'm fierce n mad @ u..does 1 word asn means anything?!Den tell me or rather teach me hw i shld asn ur Q...we started 2 misunderstand each other n can some1 tell me where e problem lies on..
Saturday, September 6, 2008
There's no right or wrong in love

no1 knows wat will happen next..
spent my day @ east coast with Justin n frends.Hm..ya i did enjoyed with them;their craps,jokes n stupid actions..however most of e time,i cycled @ fast speed alone..minmin n justin joined in @ times..nt tt i'm emo its just tt i love 2 cycle fast n enjoy e wind.Sry if i make ur worried.
To some1: Initially we know tt e atmosphere will b very weird n u told me tt u will think of some plans 2 prevent it thus I did really try 2 join in e conversation n joked with ur.I dun know y n wat makes u think tt i'm having a cold war with u..sry abt my 1 word asn bt i really dun know hw 2 continue..if u need others 2 tell u when n hw 2 make e first move den i guess there's no point.U can just continue with e chatting with them n u dun have 2 bother if i'm lonely(i dun want 2 b part of ur burden)seriously i dun need tt.During dinner i did joke with u n i did talk 2 her..btw,there's nth between me n her;i guess me n her can get along well so dun make it sounds like i'm jealous or hate her.(2 b honest,i feel there's smth more between ur n ur feeling 2wards me will fade off slowly..u have e rights 2 deny bt u always choose 2 let me continue thinking than 2 sort things out with me;ya u may feel tt its nt necessary,so just let it b,i wouldn't force u.. )MaybThings just dun work out e way u i did tried n i will try harder!However,if u feel tt u can get along with other gals better than with me,it shows tt i'm nt ur type..All right,i appreciate tt u r trying 2 change 4 e better;no longer lied 2 me,cut down ur vulgarities,admit all ur wrongs..seriously thx 4 admitting tt u slept @ 4:30 am tt day..u know tt u dun have 2 tell me e truth bt eventually u did..thx,i appreciate ur honesty.If neither of us do anything den just let time goes by...
we had dinner 2gether haha honestly i think every1 tried hard 2 bear with e Indian family.(Hey ur knew tt we r suffering there bt ur did nth n continue 2 order more food..pls lah.just get off fast.seriously ur have thick skin leh)Fortunately or unfortunately it rained as we were abt 2 leave.My parents fetched minmin home:)Thx 4 making e effort by rushing here though ur haven eat;love
haiz..mon need 2 study le SIAN..moreover tues n wed still have prelims :(
nvm..let study hard 2gether n play hard after exams..jia you 2 all students who r taking their O's this year!
Specially thx 2 garret haha :)
High expectation
good gal stayed @ home..Dad n mum went 2 attend a dinner.Haiz shld grab this rare opportunity 2 go out till midnight,bt just too lazy 2 make e first move moreover e weather was damn HOT~~~2moro going East coast(yes dear,u manage 2 convince me,smart move:)Hope e atmosphere is nt going 2 b cold
haiz..haven let my parents c my report bk..''results drop le hor,y like tt..aiya dun know hw 2 say u lah..keep toking on phone,chatting online,going out...hw u going 2 improve likett..haiz u think abt it bah''Tt's wat they going 2 say..ya u must b thinking tt's good enough @ least they didn't scold badly.BT that's bad enough 4 me.I hate 2 disappoint others!Same goes 2 e time when i cried over Mrs wong's scolding in class.Though i know she didn't mean 2 say me,it just Hurts.Cried as i disappointed her;she thinks tt i can do much better than this(Admit: i can,its just tt i didn't make e effort 2 FOCUS)
U shld b glad when others have high expectation on u.This proves tt others think highly on ur capability...Despite e fact tt it will b tough,@ least try ur best in watever u do n nv regret it.
To Mrs Wong:sry abt my poor results,I promise tt i strive my best 2 achieve A in O's.
Target:A1 for OEM(guide me pls)
haiz..haven let my parents c my report bk..''results drop le hor,y like tt..aiya dun know hw 2 say u lah..keep toking on phone,chatting online,going out...hw u going 2 improve likett..haiz u think abt it bah''Tt's wat they going 2 say..ya u must b thinking tt's good enough @ least they didn't scold badly.BT that's bad enough 4 me.I hate 2 disappoint others!Same goes 2 e time when i cried over Mrs wong's scolding in class.Though i know she didn't mean 2 say me,it just Hurts.Cried as i disappointed her;she thinks tt i can do much better than this(Admit: i can,its just tt i didn't make e effort 2 FOCUS)
U shld b glad when others have high expectation on u.This proves tt others think highly on ur capability...Despite e fact tt it will b tough,@ least try ur best in watever u do n nv regret it.
To Mrs Wong:sry abt my poor results,I promise tt i strive my best 2 achieve A in O's.
Target:A1 for OEM(guide me pls)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
thx bt sry
went Orchard with sis n mummy 2day..actually dun feel like going bt can't break my promise:(
hmm..Alvin joined in half-way..nth much happened except tt on e way home,i saw a RAT!ok,i admit tt i screamed like nobody business bt hey rat is e only creature tt i'm afraid of..
moody day haiz dun know y:(
To GYH:hey i'm sry tt i keep bothering u when needs arise,dump u aside when i dun need u,vent my anger @ u when i'm nt in a gd mood...seriously i'm SRY! I know tt u r definately better than him n u know wat,my sis n Alvin like u being with me... u know smth is going on btw me n him don't u?!Bt u choose 2 avoid it n act like nth happen..anyway thx 4 being there when i need some1 2 accompany me,cheer me up n tok 2 me till midnight den he's nt there..Thx bt sry...
hmm..Alvin joined in half-way..nth much happened except tt on e way home,i saw a RAT!ok,i admit tt i screamed like nobody business bt hey rat is e only creature tt i'm afraid of..
moody day haiz dun know y:(
To GYH:hey i'm sry tt i keep bothering u when needs arise,dump u aside when i dun need u,vent my anger @ u when i'm nt in a gd mood...seriously i'm SRY! I know tt u r definately better than him n u know wat,my sis n Alvin like u being with me... u know smth is going on btw me n him don't u?!Bt u choose 2 avoid it n act like nth happen..anyway thx 4 being there when i need some1 2 accompany me,cheer me up n tok 2 me till midnight den he's nt there..Thx bt sry...
keep comments 2 urself pls...
yst went Kbox in marine with sis n Alvin..haha it was damn fun as i kept snatching e opportunity 2 must b surprise tt i'm some1 who sings There's more 4 u 2 know
Honestly even though my singing sucks,my sis is worst! All right better nt talk behind her back as she treated me to Kbox,sushi very x bt damn nice! and 2 arcade !!!!
I want 2 voice out!!!Pls i dun give a damn care abt wat others think or feel 2wards my dressing.As long as i'm content n comfortable with it,y shld i care?!
I enjoyed alot seriously all thx 2 stupid actions done by Alvin and my wealthy sis.Looking @ this weird couple,i'm jealous!Hey no matter hw strong or independent i am,i'm still a gal ok?! A gal who needs some1 2 hold her hands when it rains,shows care n concern n most importantly respect n LOVE her!
2day forced myself out of bed n rushed 2 inter's Mac 2 meet eileen n frends.SRY tt i'm late n i promise tt this shall b e last time..Seriously i will try as i suddenly realise tt its rude n unrespect 2 ppl who r waiting.Hmm.. while studying with them,my dear Eileen shared her childhood secrets with me(shh..) Ard 1 plus i accompanied them back 2 sch n Every1 seems 2 b surprise when they c me in home clothes.Haha YES,I'm came 2 support all my frends
Some1 dun allow me 2 blog abt him leh..haha afraid tt ''others'' will c it n misunderstanding will happen?!Watever* When some1 c this,vulgarities will start 2 pop out frm his mouth again..All right @ least i respect U by nt naming :) Calm down b4 U call n scold me pls...
Jia you 4 2moro's EL!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
You are fortunate...
If you r able 2 wake up without any r more fortunate than billions of ppl in this world...
If you didn't experience times of war,didn't torture under others,didn't suffer are more fortunate than millions of ppl in this world...
If you still have food in your fridge,clothes 2 wear,house 2 live are more fortunate than 75% of ppl in this world...
If you still have savings in your bank,money in your are richer than 8% of population in this world...
If you are able 2 smile n show care 2 ppl ard are fortunate as most ppl can do it bt they choose NT 2...
If you are able 2 hold some1's hands,hug him,lay on his are fortunate...
If you are able 2 read this are more fortunate than 20 billions of ppl in this world who can't read...
YOU ARE FORTUNATE(it's just tt you didn't realise it)
thx alot 4 making me realise hw fortunate i am...thx 4 surviving n make this world a beautiful place...
stay strong n remember you r nt living alone..u have US n so you are fortunate too :) Once again...Thank you
If you didn't experience times of war,didn't torture under others,didn't suffer are more fortunate than millions of ppl in this world...
If you still have food in your fridge,clothes 2 wear,house 2 live are more fortunate than 75% of ppl in this world...
If you still have savings in your bank,money in your are richer than 8% of population in this world...
If you are able 2 smile n show care 2 ppl ard are fortunate as most ppl can do it bt they choose NT 2...
If you are able 2 hold some1's hands,hug him,lay on his are fortunate...
If you are able 2 read this are more fortunate than 20 billions of ppl in this world who can't read...
YOU ARE FORTUNATE(it's just tt you didn't realise it)
thx alot 4 making me realise hw fortunate i am...thx 4 surviving n make this world a beautiful place...
stay strong n remember you r nt living alone..u have US n so you are fortunate too :) Once again...Thank you
remember 2 sleep early n strive ur BEST !!! You can DO it !!! Best wishes n love 2 u all...
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